Wednesday 9 May 2007

Henry's links to the de Veres, Earls of Oxford

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Henry's great-grandmother is a de Vere,

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Henry and Sir Francis de Vere were at the siege of Ostend.

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Henry's brother-in-law,

is first cousin of

Philip Herbert, Earl of Montgomery,
(and Earl of Pembroke),

married to Susan de Vere,

daughter of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford.

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Notes - Henry's great-grandmother

Dorothy De VERE (Baroness Latimer)


John NEVILLE (3rd Baron Latimer)

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John Neville (4th Baron Latimer)


Lucy Somerset

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Catherine NEVILLE (Countess Northumberland)

Born: 1546, Snape Hall, Snape, Yorkshire, England

Died: 28 Oct 1596

Buried: Saint Paul's Chapel, Westminster Abbey, London, Middlesex,

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Married: Henry PERCY (8th Earl of Northumberland) 28 Jan 1562

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