Sunday 6 May 2007

Henry Percy and the Tower of London - the Tower became a place of scholarship; 'more like a university than a prison'

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"Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland, nicknamed the "Wizard Earl' because of his numerous scientific experiments was lodged in the Martin Tower on suspicion of plotting against the crown (Gun Powder Plot).

He renovated his prison, enlarging windows and had paths and a bowling alley built in the garden.

He also made spirits from his own still.

He commissioned the famous mathematician Thomas Hariot to build a sundial for him. This can still be seen on the south wall of the Martin Tower.

The Earl exercised daily, walking the ramparts between the Brick Tower and the Constable Tower. At the end of each circuit he moved a peg in a board which had been designed for just this purpose - (it was still there in the 17th Century when Pepys commented on seeing it.)

Sir Percy enjoyed his time in the Tower so much (although his wife did not share his enthusiasm or his imprisonment), that he did not want to leave.

Sir Henry was a great friend of Sir Walter Raleigh and, it is said that during the time they both shared captivity, the Tower became a place of scholarship; 'more like a university than a prison'."

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