Wednesday 9 May 2007

Apothecaries' Hall

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The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London

Apothecaries' Hall


The Society of Apothecaries was incorporated by royal charter from James I in 1617. The Letters Patent gave the Society the right to "have, purchase, retain and appoint a certain Hall, or Counsel-House" in the City, but it was 15 years before it could afford one.

Cobham House in Blackfriars was chosen. Situated in the precinct of the former Dominican Priory of the Black Friars, the property had originally been their guesthouse.

The Society bought it for £1,800 in October 1632 from
the executors of Lady Anne Howard, sister-in-law of Lady Cobham (who was the wife of the 11th Baron and daughter of Lord Howard of Effingham).

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